These are some of the things I have made for Silas in the 4 months since he was born.
Baby pants. I wanted something with a slimmer fit than the baby stuff in stores.
I forgot to account for Silas' Puerto Ricaness. I tweaked the pattern for the next pair. I love the tiny pocket. I should put something in there.
His Halloween costume. He was a rainbow, I was the rain. And for a brief moment Bryant was the sun but we didn't really get any pictures of that.
He didn't last very long.
Jeans! They were way too long. He is pictured here with his paternal great grandmother.
A baby carrier, good for hiking. Its just a bunch of fabric but it makes life a lot easier. That is a Joshua tree in the background.
A little rompery type situation that zips all the way down to the foot. Working on this pattern, the neck was too big.
A snake that he apparently hated.
But then my dogs got bored and this happened.
The End. For now.