Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I've been carrying a super cute silver vintage handbag lately but the silver started flaking off so it was time for a new bag and time to finish a project that had been relegated to the back of the fabric pile.

I used fabric that can be seen here and here:

I used the scraps from those two projects to make this:

You can see that it is pieced together from scraps but in an awesome way, it looks great!
 I used vintage handles from my grandmother's stash.  I even lined it and put little pockets for my phone and wallet.
I like the way it turned out and it is nice when nothing goes to waste.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I feel like a slacker for not posting for so long.  It is not because I have not been busy!  Right now I am making a custom dress for a friend and working on turning a skirt my grandmother gave me into a dress.  I am thinking about doing something like this:
The skirt fabric is sheer but a similar print to the one above.  I just so happen to have some navy lining. . .  Maybe it was meant to be.