I just parted with these old couches. When Bryant and I first got married, we turned to Craigslist to solve our lack of furniture woes. I don't have a picture of the couches in their original early 90's hideousness but lets just say they may or may not have seen better days, my guess is that they were even ugly in their youth. My solution was to cover Everything. The slip coveres were store bought, I had to alter the one on the smaller chair. The pillows are all made by me, I was able to recycle the stuffing and the zippers. The brown ones are a chocolate microsuede. The other big ones are grassclothish, mostly a tan color but have some green threads. I also made some throw pillows, beacause I am obessed with patterns. I can't say that I was terribly sad to part with these couches but I think my pillows and covers helped me to not throw up in my mouth everytime I entered my living room.
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